Twirl Tips

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Twirl Tips

Post by mc » 16 Dec 2004 12:23

3rd try creating a new topic... :?

Twirl - rev swirling op osis - clip> same front swirl> op osis

set super low with a very small motion, only 4-6 inches up or so, rise up on the toes of your support leg and start the dex as the bag is rising, turn your back, and as the dex is just going over the bag and headed back to the ground, jump off the support leg / fall down into the osis.

If this tip helps anyone hit this trick, please post here so I can revel in the warm fuzzy feeling I get knowing I helped someone hit a new move. If this tip isn't specific enough, or you have other questions, let me know so I can clarify. This move is all about smoothness and finesse, and doesn't take a lot of energy, so give it lots of tries, take deep breaths, and keep your balance. good luck.

rfa::never give up::

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