Treating injury, icing and heating, the right way

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Treating injury, icing and heating, the right way

Post by Oroza » 20 Aug 2006 12:17

I noticed some of my friends dont really know how to heat/ice and injury properly. either should only be applied for up to 10-15 mins at a time, heres a little article:

Remember the acronym "RICE" for strains and sprains:

Rest the affected area and avoid further injury.

Ice the area for at least 10 minutes every two to three hours to decrease pain and swelling.

Compress the area with an elastic bandage or wrap to minimize swelling.

Elevate the area to facilitate fluid drainage from the injured site.

Ice Versus Heat

Determine whether to use ice versus heat by keeping in mind the condition of the involved tissues.

Ice.Ice numbs the area, reducing pain. It also constricts blood vessels, limiting blood supply to the injured site. This action decreases swelling. Ice can also decrease muscle spasms. If an area is painful to move or swells after exercise, use ice. The best way to use ice is to apply a pack to the painful area for approximately 15 minutes every two hours following an injury. For general irritation, use an ice pack two or three times a day. If the cold is too intense, use a towel between the ice pack and your skin.

Heat.If an injury is in a more advanced stage of healing"usually after four or five days"heat is recommended. Again, keep in mind what heat does to an area. Heat increases local blood supply, bringing healing cells to the area and potentially relaxing tight muscles. Use moist, hot towels or microwavable heat packs for no more than 10 to 15 minutes several times a day. If the heat becomes too intense, put a towel or piece of clothing between the heat source and your skin. Never sleep on a heating pad.

the more you know....
Plain, with everything.

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