NYJ 2021 (online)

Your moves. Your combos. All up for video review in these Sick Online Competitions.

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NYJ 2021 (online)

Post by boyle » 21 Dec 2020 14:01

The NYJ will be held online this year. Info copied from the post on Facebook. https://www.facebook.com/michiganfootba ... 7310718243

It's a New Years PanJAMic! Since we can't see all you lovely people in person, the Michigan Footbag Club is hosting on online tournament this year! The competitions are:
1. Shred Off - 90 seconds of your best clips. One round only; the best video from all entries is the winner!
2. Rippin Run - Most guiltless contacts in one string. Your string is over when you drop, hit anything less than 3 adds, or repeat a trick 3 times in a row.
3. Add Hunt - 5 trick combo. The Open level is for ADD totals of at least 21. The Intermediate level is for combos with 20 or fewer total ADDs.
All clips MUST include the keyword NYJ2021, either spoken or written down and shown on video.
The deadline is January 8, 2021. Do not use old footage. (Anything recorded between December 4 and the deadline is okay.) Submit your videos via WeTransfer, Google Drive, or Dropbox to ryancmorris001@gmail.com. We will release a compilation video of everyone's submissions.
Prizes to be announced soon!

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Re: NYJ 2021 (online)

Post by C-Fan » 16 Jan 2021 18:21

I look forward to seeing the entries! I was really hoping I could submit something, but injury and time and weather did not allow. I'm glad to see these events still occurring virtually. Hopefully they can get back to being in-person by next year.

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Re: NYJ 2021 (online)

Post by boyle » 18 Jan 2021 23:44

Looking forward to the video and results of this one.

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Re: NYJ 2021 (online)

Post by boyle » 19 Jan 2021 23:53

Pretty good turnout for this event.

These are the results.

Shred Off
1. Dominik Nun Chaku Simku
2. Paweł Nowak
3. Jakub Mościszewski
4. Dante Michael
5. Derek Littlefield
6. Mathieu Gauthier
7. Sergio Garcia
8. Daniel Boyle
9. Peter Bowler
10. Mike Toolan
11. Ryan Morris
12. Christian Britting
13. Ben Barrows
14. Taku Miura
15. David Moutard
Add Hunt
1. Dominik Simku (30 adds)
2. Paweł Nowak (29 adds)
3. Dante Michael (26 adds)
4. Jakub Mościszewski (26 adds)
5. Taishi Ishida (25 adds)
6. Josh Gayhart (23 adds)
7. Taku Miura, Ben Barrows, Daniel Boyle (22 adds)
8. Mathieu Gauthier, Ryan Morris, Christian Britting (21 adds)
Rippin Run
1. Jakub Mościszewski (137 contacts)
2. Dominik Simku (109 contacts)
3. Taishi Ishida (72 contacts)
4. Mathieu Gauthier (70 contacts)
5. Paweł Nowak (68 contacts)
6. Daniel Boyle (50 contacts)
7. Ryan Morris (46 contacts)
8. Christian Britting (38 contacts)
9. Taku Miura (33 contacts)
10. Dante Michael (31 contacts)
11. Mike Toolan (17 contacts)

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Re: NYJ 2021 (online)

Post by boyle » 22 Jan 2021 12:17

https://sportslashlife.com/nyj-hosts-fi ... t-of-2021/

Here are the videos of each event.

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Re: NYJ 2021 (online)

Post by mtoolan » 22 Jan 2021 13:06

Such an amazing turnout. Other than worlds, I've never seen anything like it for an online comp. And Ryan did a great job with the videos. The shred off compilation made me want to watch some of the old VHS videos because their often in the style of the skateboard videos I used to watch as a kid. It'd be cool to work on a project like that.

My rippin run was garbage. I filmed all of my entries in one session, so rippin run ended up just being the longest string I had on film that didn't make it into shred off.
Mike Toolan
Penn State Footbag Club

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