Pandemic Sick 5

Your moves. Your combos. All up for video review in these Sick Online Competitions.

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Pandemic Sick 5

Post by boyle » 25 Mar 2020 03:12

Mark Monistere is running this comp on the Footbag Facebook group.

I am just copying the information across. It seems people are eager to run some more competitions while people are in isolation, working from home, etc.

Pandemic Sick 5 !
Completions rules (read carefully)

-5 tricks
-Most difficult combo wins
-There is an add minimum of 23 total adds for the entire combo to enter.
-each player may submit 2 separate combos. 2 not required but allowed and suggested.
-sick 5 must be all unique same side repeats.
-deadline is March 31 at midnight.

Combo will be judged on this criteria

1st -execution- the cleanliness of tricks will be most important. If you THE one of the five tricks you will immediately be sent to the bottom of the pack and be judged against the THE combos. Don’t send me a pulled surging set , just don’t.

2nd -difficultly- given the clean execution on tricks, most difficult links will win.

3rd-adds-will be taken into account but most adds doesn’t mean an automatic win. The 23 add minimum was put in place to allow players to utilize creative and difficult four (or 3) add tricks in their combo. There are numerous cool unique tricks/inventions that aren’t 5 adds and up and this allows players to incorporate them if they so choose. If a player chooses a “creative” trick here, while the creativity of the concept will play a factor, it’s still the difficulty of the link that will account for higher placement.

4th- form. -Balance, landings , over all form will be taken into account.

In the event of 1st and 2nd place entries being almost a tie or not a clear win to me , then I will ask those players if they want to resubmit a tie breaking combo. The top two would both have to agree to submit a tie breaker otherwise I will judge based on what I had already been submitted.

-film in clear lighting and close enough to the Camera so that cleanliness is as obvious as possible.
-trick may start from a hand drop or toe set into the combo.
-combo must be sealed by a hand catch.
-all videos sent to
-deadline is March 31 at 11:59pm
First prize is

Second prize is

Additional prizes
Possibly more $

Winners will be announced in the video compilation I make :) will decide results and release video ASAP.
Thanks to our sponsors Greg Wenner, Rippin Rick , and Marco Hartig

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