Why doesn't Footbag get no respect!?

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Post by CICFreestyler17 » 04 Nov 2010 20:47

I love the way the question is worded! Look at mma (ufc); not to long ago nobody understood it and the general public frowned upon it. Now it is the fastest growing sport in the world. Unfortunately people do not understand the technical aspects of footbag and until they do it will continue to be an underground sport. Give it time and good things will happen.

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Green Lanturn
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Post by Green Lanturn » 07 Nov 2010 00:16

I think there are many reasons why footbag doesn’t get any respect. However I think the main reason has to do with the stereotype that footbag has developed over time. When footbag went through its first real wave of popularity back in the early 80s, hacky sack was accessible to the general public. You could go into a store and buy a bag. There were in commercials on T.V. advertising Hacky Sacks . The people who played were young kids and some college students. Well, just like any fad, the game of Hacky Sack went out of style. The kids got older and moved on to other things. At this point the only people still playing were small groups of college students. This is where I believe the “hippieâ€
David Maimone

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Post by Jazzkid » 08 Nov 2010 10:30

Green Lanturn wrote:footbag as a thing that potheads do when they get high..
I hope this never changes.

Ive NEVER EVER smoked drugs, but I imagine if I did, I would then immediately get a surge of pot energy, go put on my lavers (or g units since I would be high on dope) and shred as hard as I could...expecting short creative strings.

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Post by crazylegs32 » 26 Nov 2010 21:19

Its not to do with pot. Footbaggers are slackers, especially the non pot smoking ones. Look within...

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Post by Pasquar » 13 Dec 2010 06:26

I find it funny that people ridicule footbag when they see me do it and there' sewat pouring down my face.. for the most part, people look at me with interest, but others kind of snicker and think it's ridiculous.

Let me put it this way, my roommates like to play a decent amount of video games. I don't. I like to footbag because it's active, realy, and hold my attention. yet SO MANY people spend SO MANY hours playing video games, getting fat and just sitting around. How can someone ridicule me for putting in a legitimate workout while doing some things with my legs they've never seen?

Also, something I've noticed is sometimes just the way I (or shred heads in general) talk about or go about footbag can make some people apprehensive. For example, I was kickin with Mike Angeski around my campus and this kid who I've kicked with in regular circles comes around and starts with us. After a little bit, Mike asks the kid to kindly be careful with his $40 fearless 55 because he was kicking it pretty hard and not picking it up. Now, this makes total sense to ANYONE who knows a real quality stitched bag, but this kid kind of looked at us like we were lunatics for blowing that kind of money on a "hacky sack" and promptly left.

I feel like in that case we sort of "scared" him off by seeming to care too much about it, but it's just something HE doesn't get... if it's not something you're deeply invested in and put a lot of time in, it may be hard to understand why people DO.
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Post by drillbit » 13 Dec 2010 08:54

ppl just dont see it as a sport or "valid" endeavor...

it is something you do to kill time.......err waste time?
sure it is interesting as a novelty when folks see it but nothing where they say....."gee i want to really get into that sport"

i play during my lunch time at work, i go to a local rec center........the guys lifting or jogging are seen as doing valid forms of exercise, i am probably seen as fooling around. granted they would not be doing tai chi, disk glolf, or freestyle frisbee during lunch either. footbag is an alt sport for ppl who are to the left.

Footbag is pretty far out of mainstream acceptance of exercise and sport. Not to mention, the time and committment it takes to repeatedly try and fail in the process of mastering concecpts. most people would not see a value in standing in their garage or kitchen playing with what they see as a toy. if they were going to exercise they would jog, lift weights, or go play tennis. it does not matter if footbag is an excellent form of exercise for the mind, body, and soul..........folks would rather get on the treadmill and do the southbeach diet to feel as if they are being healthy. not to mention working out is probably not supposed to be seen as fun.

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Post by crazylegs32 » 13 Dec 2010 21:16

Maybe its me buts its rare to be ridiculed? Maybe a group of fools walk past and talk trash? As far as respect, be respectable.Its a fact and its been proven time and time again- respectable people are the ones who gain respect. Ill bet a group of footbaggers who each have a family would be respected by passersby. Kids and wives lead to respect... Kicking a bag and expecting respect for it, not so much.

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