Tony [Re-Opened]
Tony [Re-Opened]
I'm restarting my Challenge thread. Gonna clean it up. Feel free to offer up new challenges. Right now I'd like some basic drills. I organized my existing challenges into what is in my near future and the silly not gonna happen for a while ones. Then I added some that I plan to work on immediately. The ones for right now. Personal challenges. I hope that other people will add similar challenges. Right now I need to focus on the fundamentals of my game. Please challenge me in this respect.
40 SS Flip Magic Hop Clippers (Me)
40 SS Strong Magic Hop Clippers (Me)
20 alt pixies (me)
20 alternating fairies (me)
20 alternating pickup (me)
10 Strong Illusion (me)
drifter>drifter (me)
Spinning and gyro clipper both bsos in one run (Ken)
Alternating Clipper x100
30 Infinities!!!
butterfly>paradox mirage - till you drop
spinning clip > whirl > gyro clip > whirl repeat (Will Rockey)
ducking clipper>stepping leg over>butterfly rpt
Beat my Guiltless Record (Adam Greenwood)
Torque (chris miles balch)
Drunken Hippo: Spinning Paradox Mirage > Butterfly [repeat] (Asmus Helms)
Whirling Swirl (Asmus Helms)
Ripwalk > Swirl > Whirl [rpt] (Asmus Helms)
Sidewalk > Pdx Whirl [rpt] (Asmus Helms)
DATW > Terrage BS (Asmus Helms)
fairywalk > p illusion (rpt) (TJ)
stepping same clipper > stepping far clipper (rpt)
dimwalk > blur (rpt) (TJ)
fairy leg over> Fairy leg over > plo > plo (TJ)
smear > dimwalk > blur > rpt (Hackeysnacker)
pixie same mirage > magellan > smear > rpt (Hackeysnacker)
pixie op clip > pdx illusion > tapdown > bubba (Hackeysnacker)
nemesis>spinning ducking ps whirl>clown face>your mom (Ryan Seath)
nemesis>nemesis>nemesis>nemesis>nemesis>nemesis>far legover(Tom Mosher)
.:. Completed Challenges .:.
Mirage > SS Mirage [rpt]
Illusion > Legover [rpt]
SS Pickup > Pickup [rpt]
atw (in) > Pixie [rpt]
ATW (out) > Fairy [rpt]
Pixie Legover (BSOS)
illusion > pickup > rpt
Butterfly > Butterfly [rpt 5 times (10 contacts)]
ss butterfly>infinity rpt for at least 10 contacts
Clipper > Clipper [rpt 8 times (16 contacts)] <9>
Ducking Clipper (BSOS)
Spinning Clipper (BSOS)
butter>whirl rpt
pickup>dimwalk>pdx mirage>fairy>rpt (Jared Wilbur)
Hit these moves BSOS:
And hit Pixie SS Clipper and Dimwalk BSOS in the same run!(Asmus)
legover>symp mirage rpt (mosher)
dimwalk > p mirage (rpt) (TJ)
pixie leg over>smear rpt
smear>butter>pdx mir rpt - start from both sides, rpt the combos as many times as you can
smear > dimwalk > pdx mirage > rpt (Hackeysnacker)
pixie > fairy > illusion > legover > mirage > pickup > illusion > rpt (Chim-Chim)
single tricks :
legover>mirage rpt from strong (Me) [DONE Feb 2011]
legover>mirage rpt from flip (Me) [DONE Feb 2011]
spinning osis (Me) [DONE Feb 2011]
20 SS Flip Magic Hop Clippers (Me) [Done Feb 21, 2011 <28>]
20 SS Strong Magic Hop Clippers (Me) [Done Feb 21, 2011 <23>]
30 Alternating Clipper Stalls (Me) [Done Feb 21, 2011 <32>]
pixie>illusion rpt from strong (Me) [Done Feb 21, 2011]
pixie>illusion rpt from flip (Me) [Done Feb 21, 2011]
100 Alternating Toe Stalls (Me) [Done Feb 23, 2011 <102>]
fairy>illusion rpt from strong (Me) [Done Feb 23, 2011]
fairy>illusion rpt from flip (Me) [Done Feb 23, 2011]
ducking clipper>pdx mirage>butterfly (Me) [Done Feb 23, 2011 did both sides]
fairy>mirage rpt from flip (Me) [Done Feb 23, 2011]
10 Alternating Downs (me) [Done Mar 21, 2011 <12>]
fairy>pixie>mirage>illusion>legover rpt (me) [Done April 27, 2011]
200 Alternating Toe Stalls (Me) [Done April 29, 2011 <212>]
20 Alternating Downs (me) [Done April 27, 2011]
20 alternating legover (me) [Done May 1, 2011]
10 Strong Mirage (me) [Done May 1, 2011 <11>]
10 Flip Mirage (me) [Done May 1, 2011 <12>]
10 Flip Illusion (me) [Done May 1, 2011 <13>]
Flip Whirl rpt (me) [Done May 22, 2011]
Double your alt clipper record |do 64 alt clippers| (Ken) [Done June 24, 2011 <68>]
50 Alternating Clipper Stalls (Me)
Challenges in italics are from before my 3 year break. I hope to re-hit them one day.
40 SS Flip Magic Hop Clippers (Me)
40 SS Strong Magic Hop Clippers (Me)
20 alt pixies (me)
20 alternating fairies (me)
20 alternating pickup (me)
10 Strong Illusion (me)
drifter>drifter (me)
Spinning and gyro clipper both bsos in one run (Ken)
Alternating Clipper x100
30 Infinities!!!
butterfly>paradox mirage - till you drop
spinning clip > whirl > gyro clip > whirl repeat (Will Rockey)
ducking clipper>stepping leg over>butterfly rpt
Beat my Guiltless Record (Adam Greenwood)
Torque (chris miles balch)
Drunken Hippo: Spinning Paradox Mirage > Butterfly [repeat] (Asmus Helms)
Whirling Swirl (Asmus Helms)
Ripwalk > Swirl > Whirl [rpt] (Asmus Helms)
Sidewalk > Pdx Whirl [rpt] (Asmus Helms)
DATW > Terrage BS (Asmus Helms)
fairywalk > p illusion (rpt) (TJ)
stepping same clipper > stepping far clipper (rpt)
dimwalk > blur (rpt) (TJ)
fairy leg over> Fairy leg over > plo > plo (TJ)
smear > dimwalk > blur > rpt (Hackeysnacker)
pixie same mirage > magellan > smear > rpt (Hackeysnacker)
pixie op clip > pdx illusion > tapdown > bubba (Hackeysnacker)
nemesis>spinning ducking ps whirl>clown face>your mom (Ryan Seath)
nemesis>nemesis>nemesis>nemesis>nemesis>nemesis>far legover(Tom Mosher)
.:. Completed Challenges .:.
Mirage > SS Mirage [rpt]
Illusion > Legover [rpt]
SS Pickup > Pickup [rpt]
atw (in) > Pixie [rpt]
ATW (out) > Fairy [rpt]
Pixie Legover (BSOS)
illusion > pickup > rpt
Butterfly > Butterfly [rpt 5 times (10 contacts)]
ss butterfly>infinity rpt for at least 10 contacts
Clipper > Clipper [rpt 8 times (16 contacts)] <9>
Ducking Clipper (BSOS)
Spinning Clipper (BSOS)
butter>whirl rpt
pickup>dimwalk>pdx mirage>fairy>rpt (Jared Wilbur)
Hit these moves BSOS:
And hit Pixie SS Clipper and Dimwalk BSOS in the same run!(Asmus)
legover>symp mirage rpt (mosher)
dimwalk > p mirage (rpt) (TJ)
pixie leg over>smear rpt
smear>butter>pdx mir rpt - start from both sides, rpt the combos as many times as you can
smear > dimwalk > pdx mirage > rpt (Hackeysnacker)
pixie > fairy > illusion > legover > mirage > pickup > illusion > rpt (Chim-Chim)
single tricks :
legover>mirage rpt from strong (Me) [DONE Feb 2011]
legover>mirage rpt from flip (Me) [DONE Feb 2011]
spinning osis (Me) [DONE Feb 2011]
20 SS Flip Magic Hop Clippers (Me) [Done Feb 21, 2011 <28>]
20 SS Strong Magic Hop Clippers (Me) [Done Feb 21, 2011 <23>]
30 Alternating Clipper Stalls (Me) [Done Feb 21, 2011 <32>]
pixie>illusion rpt from strong (Me) [Done Feb 21, 2011]
pixie>illusion rpt from flip (Me) [Done Feb 21, 2011]
100 Alternating Toe Stalls (Me) [Done Feb 23, 2011 <102>]
fairy>illusion rpt from strong (Me) [Done Feb 23, 2011]
fairy>illusion rpt from flip (Me) [Done Feb 23, 2011]
ducking clipper>pdx mirage>butterfly (Me) [Done Feb 23, 2011 did both sides]
fairy>mirage rpt from flip (Me) [Done Feb 23, 2011]
10 Alternating Downs (me) [Done Mar 21, 2011 <12>]
fairy>pixie>mirage>illusion>legover rpt (me) [Done April 27, 2011]
200 Alternating Toe Stalls (Me) [Done April 29, 2011 <212>]
20 Alternating Downs (me) [Done April 27, 2011]
20 alternating legover (me) [Done May 1, 2011]
10 Strong Mirage (me) [Done May 1, 2011 <11>]
10 Flip Mirage (me) [Done May 1, 2011 <12>]
10 Flip Illusion (me) [Done May 1, 2011 <13>]
Flip Whirl rpt (me) [Done May 22, 2011]
Double your alt clipper record |do 64 alt clippers| (Ken) [Done June 24, 2011 <68>]
50 Alternating Clipper Stalls (Me)
Challenges in italics are from before my 3 year break. I hope to re-hit them one day.
Last edited by sen on 08 Jul 2011 18:59, edited 57 times in total.
If these are too easy then repeat them more times!
Mirage > SS Mirage [rpt]
Illusion > Legover [rpt]
SS Pickup > Pickup [rpt]
Butterfly > Butterfly [rpt 5 times (10 contacts)]
Clipper > Clipper [rpt 8 times (16 contacts)]
ATW In > Pixie Opp Toe [rpt]
ATW Out > Fairy Opp Toe [rpt]
Hit these moves BSOS:
Ducking Clipper
Spinning Clipper
Pixie Legover
And hit Pixie SS Clipper and Dimwalk BSOS in the same run!
Mirage > SS Mirage [rpt]
Illusion > Legover [rpt]
SS Pickup > Pickup [rpt]
Butterfly > Butterfly [rpt 5 times (10 contacts)]
Clipper > Clipper [rpt 8 times (16 contacts)]
ATW In > Pixie Opp Toe [rpt]
ATW Out > Fairy Opp Toe [rpt]
Hit these moves BSOS:
Ducking Clipper
Spinning Clipper
Pixie Legover
And hit Pixie SS Clipper and Dimwalk BSOS in the same run!
Alright Asmus, I hit some of yours inmy session just now:
Illusion > Legover [rpt]
Mirage > SS Mirage [rpt]
ATW In > Pixie Opp Toe [rpt]
ATW Out > Fairy Opp Toe [rpt]
SS Pickup > Pickup [rpt]
I've also hit the clipper on before, but I'm gonna do it again just for you! And I might of hit pixie legover bsos, but I'm not sure, so I'm gonna do it again also.
Illusion > Legover [rpt]
Mirage > SS Mirage [rpt]
ATW In > Pixie Opp Toe [rpt]
ATW Out > Fairy Opp Toe [rpt]
SS Pickup > Pickup [rpt]
I've also hit the clipper on before, but I'm gonna do it again just for you! And I might of hit pixie legover bsos, but I'm not sure, so I'm gonna do it again also.
butterfly>paradox mirage - till you drop
smear>butter>pdx mir rpt - start from both sides, rpt the combos as many times as you can
ducking clipper>stepping leg over>butterfly rpt
butter>whirl rpt
pixie leg over>smear rpt
single tricks :
can you hit all your moves both sides ? if not, working on them can be quite challenging too - also give some of those you've hit once before
a little extra love
Thanks for the new challenges guys!
Daryl, I do need to work on some of those tricks on my weakside
Your challenges are gonna be really . . . challenging. That's good!
Can't wait to give them a try. Having challenges to do is becoming a great motivator for wanting to play and get better. Thanks guys!
Daryl, I do need to work on some of those tricks on my weakside
Your challenges are gonna be really . . . challenging. That's good!
Can't wait to give them a try. Having challenges to do is becoming a great motivator for wanting to play and get better. Thanks guys!