My name is Ian, im 27, and I live on the east coast of the UK in a little seaside town called Mablethorpe. Ive been playing footbag in its various forms now for something like 8 weeks, usually just some circle kicking with friends, but we invented our own rules for net on the fly one night, so ill be learning all the official rules at some point. I love watching the freestyle vids that crop up on this forum, so im practicing that too, in hope that one day I can get a jaw dropping vid posted myself. Well I can but dream

By day, im a website designer / developer with the added perk of being able to work from home

As far as progress goes, as it stands, im still hammering the basic stalls (toe, ins, out) on both sides. Toe and inside are very good now, my ankles and legs in general are a lot more flexible than the used to be. Outside stalls, well, theyre a different story, but i wont give up until im hitting them at least 80% of the time.
At the moment, one basic drill i keep repeating (and exscuse me, I dont quite understand the trick notations yet

Anyway thats about it for now. All this talk and no footbag make Ian... something something