Turku Footblog

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Post by Anz » 29 Aug 2008 11:46

Thanks Asmus. I wish we had hang out more at Worlds, but I guess we both had too much new friendships going on already. So next time then.

Whoa, I have a lot of different subjects to go through here.

I've finally got back to my daily rhythm after the trip.

I had a week and half break from footbag, but on Tuesday I had my first session after Worlds. It was kinda weird at first playing by myself. My knee had been acting up badly, but a good stretch after the session and the next day it was much much better. I was kinda surprised with that. Stretching really helps, like I haven't said that before.

After the trip I really must tell everyone not to repeat my mistake. I'm not sure if Kevin can agree with me, because he didn't play as much, but it really was a bad idea to do a 1½ week footbag journey and shred almost every day and then go straight to Worlds and compete and try to play every day. My muscles and knees were already sore when we got to Prague. So if you want to do a footbag journey connected to Worlds, my advice is to go to the after-Worlds, like Berlin this year. I wasn't in Berlin but I heard they had a blast there. And it's better to go after Worlds, so you can focus well for the competitions at home just before going, and are free to just chill after Worlds.

The autumn is coming, but I hope I can do some outdoor filming before that.
I promised the Slovenian guys to do a solo video by the end of the year, and I prefer filming outside.
Also because of the different circumstances I want to do Anz' Trikz again. They will not be in date soon, and I'm not satisfied with some of the videos. Somebody told me at Worlds that he could see I got bored with doing them in the middle and I think so too. And I want to include more tricks this time. And I think I wasn't ready for some of the tricks back then. I believe I am now.
Also I got the idea to make a short vid of just hard/juicy links. That doesn't require any special arrangements, so I might do it sometime soon.

My plan to have a Genuine circle at Worlds did not happen, but on my trip I did go for Genuine every now and then and saw some promising Genuine runs from other players as well. So maybe next year.
I guess no-one of us was really ready for Genuine circle yet after all. I'm still going to use a lot of my training time for Genuine.

Also the current situation on modified is worth of mentioning here, because it really effects my activity on this forum.
I just frikking hate that bullshit that so many players post considering the Worlds videos. I knew the minute the results were announced that it would create a discussion, but it's 99% bullshit.
It feels like the whole forum is full of bullshit nowadays. People either don't have anything proper to say or they are just repeating the same thing over and over again.
Sergey Kozlov just had his account deleted because he couldn't take this bullshit anymore.
I thought I'd never use the "ignore" option, but I did last week for the first time.
Feels like nobody has anything to say now. It's either day dreaming about 6dex moves, or about naming your footbag after baseball legends. All the threads that have a meaning get hijacked for stupidities. This forum isn't taking the sport of footbag anywhere anymore.
If I were to decide, there should be a subforum on modified for those who still can contribute, because there are quite a few left, they're just silent.

Footblogs are mostly nice to read. I just started reading more footblogs, after meeting new interesting players at Worlds.
Also, I encourage everyone to take a peek at Kevin Regamey's ("qphox") footblog, there's his write up from our journey before Worlds.

Finally I must mention that Antti just got himself new Lavers. I haven't seen him play for like three months now, but he always keep coming back.

Statement of the day: Don't make a post worth nothing on modified!

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Post by Anz » 20 Sep 2008 07:20

Wouldn't the Rolling Stones song Paint It Black would be a good routine song?
I think I'm good enough in footbag to make good routines now, so I'm going to start really working on them. The only time I really planned a routine was for Worlds 2005, so it's about time.

I ordered Quantum03's this week. The thread with QM3 reviews seems to be bashing them, so I don't really have higher hopes than I had for the last version. MY QM2's did not crack their sole or anything, but the toe part on both shoes ripped a little.
I'm going to post my opinions on the new Quantums here as soon as I get to play with them. But I'm still going to use the 02's for a while.

I've been thinking about the Shred30 rules, how everyone hates them because they don't like adds. But nobody even tries to do anything about it. New rules would be cool, and I thought about it the other day.
I know that there's a project about a new system to replace adds, but that is not necessary and it's most probably useless. Because you only need to make new point system for tricks that are likely to be used in Shred30, since points are not used in any other form of competition. Nobody needs to know how much Toe set Gyro Illusioning Inside is worth of points, since it's very unlikely to be used in Shred30. Only basic tricks and concepts should be rated again. To the point then...

I think it should stay as a 30 second contest where you aim for uniques, as it is now. Just the points should become from something else than adds. And since it is a SHRED competition, they should come from dexes and links. Contacts shouldn't count at all.
That's because You don't want to see Heel stalls or dragons, or any else unusuall surfaces in Shred30. You just shred. The trick category has never been wide.

So points for dexes, spins and ducks. Examples
PLO 2 points
Atomsmasher 2 points
Blurry Whirl 2 points
YES I KNOW - the points of these tricks are really not balanced with difficulty. But that's what the uniques are for. Nobody would do Ripwalks if you don't count uniques, only Blurry Whirls over and over. That's why some tricks are worth equal points, although the difficulty is different. You use them once, get the unique points, that's it. Goovy.

Other examples:
Ducking Clipper 1 point
Osis 1 point

Also Double Downs should be worh one point. Symposium another point So:
Mirage 1 point
Symposium Mirage 2 points
Butterfly 1 point
Barfly 1 point
Symposium Barfly 2 points

But don't go nuts just yet, here's the catch
You get extra points for linking.
You get one extra point from uptime dexes like Whirl, Double Down, Drifter, Osis and DSO (Maybe DLO, Eggbeater and Barrage? Too easy?)
Pdx Whirl 1 point
Blur 2 points

Pdx Whirl > Blur gives you 1 plus 2 PLUS 1 for the link. Altogether four points.
While Blur > Whirl would be worth only three points

Blurriest > Ripwalk would give you 2+2+1, while
Ripwalk > Blurriest only 2+2

Osis > Sumo would be 1+2+1

DSO > PLO would be 2+2+1

And you would count the "link point" to the latter trick, so you get "double" for uniques.
So the point system encourages to play shuffle and do harder links than just prefix BOPs.
I think that's what Shred30 is about.
The idea is not to give every trick a balanced value, but to make players use fast shuffle moves and semi hard links. In the end it's still about uniques, and after you've used all the easy clipper to toe moves, you move on to harder, like Sumo. You don't get extra points, but in the end the question is how many dare to use it and get the unique. But in this system the links play the biggest role.

I think I make it sound complicated... This was the first time I wrote something down about it.
Anyway :P I'd like to hear opinions on this. Point flaws etc.

Oh yeah, isn't the Large Hadron Collider amazing? Check out the CERNTV's channel on YouTube!

I'm really for the forum transfer from modified.in to footbag.org. I'm just not sure if I keep on having this blog when it happens. I started this for both of us, Antti and me, but since he's not really playing again, I dunno.
But actually we had a session like a couple of weeks ago, so he's still kicking every once in a while.

Statement of the day: When learning new set pay attention on the footwork rather than set height.

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Post by Air » 21 Sep 2008 02:27

I don't think we should change the rules of Shred30 now that Finland just won the gold metal :wink:



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Post by Anz » 02 Oct 2008 09:37

Good point Aleksi.

And bad thing about LHC is that it already broke (helium leak, has to warm up for repair, etc...), so they'll re-start it next spring :(

I just finished my 28th daily session row. So I played on every day past the four weeks. That's my own record.
Just in time to have a day off tomorrow, so I can celebrate my birthday. So I probably can't play on the next day either.

I hit a new quad dex this week. I haven't hit many, cause I don't do any prefix double down swirls. My only quad dexes are Nemesis, Arch-Nem and Furious Barrage. That's pathetic! I could most probably hit Fractic and Sailing Double Down if I wanted though, but those are lame.

I've also stretched on 28 days in a row now!

Filmed a new drill today, this is a b-day present for myself
Why the hell YouTube thinks I'm German and the language chances all the time...

I noticed that Byrin, me, Manna and Eric have our birthdays very close together. We should have a wicked birthday jam somewhere when our ages summed together reach 100! I would come to Canada just for that ;)

I'm finishing the Training Program thingy. The whole program instuctions is going to be released for public on Asmus Helms' internet magazine Shamble. I got a lot to write though.

Statement of the day: Get (a little) drunk every once in a while.

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Post by B_Man » 02 Oct 2008 15:11

First off, happy birthday Anssi!

Secondly, that drill is fucking SICK!

Thirdly, Andrew Grant's birthday is 8 days before mine (Sept. 22nd), and that you should definitely come to Canada for a b-day shred :D.

And finally, you're birthday falls on the same day as my mom's! :lol: . Don't know why I had to mention that, but I thought I'd just throw it out there...
- Byrin Wylie


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Post by sergio » 03 Oct 2008 01:52

Crazy!!! 8O

Oh and happy birthday! :)
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Post by Lauri » 04 Oct 2008 04:55

happy b-day man
Lauri Airinen

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Post by Anz » 10 Oct 2008 11:10

Thanks guys!

Sounds like were going to have some bloody awesome b-day party in Canada some day.

I got my Quantums from mail just on my birthday, which was a nice coincidence.
Here's some pics
I bought both black and white, and changed the laces right away.
Also here's a short vid filmed with them.
I already had a couple of session with them. They feel alright. I'm not comfortable with the inside yet, but I guess that's because they're new. The toe box feels bigger than in the last model, so Pixie sets don't get stuck so often. Also symposium moves feel lighter, but I guess that's also just because they're new.

I'm starting to skool more toe combos. My DSOs and Barrages are ok, but I'm struggling with fluent linking of prefix toe moves out of Symple Legover-moves. And I want to get better and Flail-based moves.
I hit Eggbeater > Massacre > rpt today, which is a cool combo.

Justin Sexton had a High Speed camera at Worlds and we shot some moves.
Can you imagine how cool does a Spinning Ducking Symposium Whirl look in high frame rate slo-mo?
- You don't have to, check this out:
http://www.footbag.fi/videos/freestylem ... mwihrl.mov

Statement of the day: Eating a watermelon is a dirty job.

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Post by Najeh » 10 Oct 2008 13:41

ur a monster
Nils Pfenning

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Post by Asmus » 11 Oct 2008 03:27

Anz wrote:Statement of the day: Eating a watermelon is a dirty job.
I have witnessed this. :lol:

I really liked the new video even though it was so short. More fancy editing.
And the SDS Whirl did look hot as hell in hi speed slow mo.

I want Q3s..

Keep rockin' dude!

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Post by Anz » 22 Nov 2008 05:42

I've been playing quite a lot lately. I had a program with Flails and Symple Legover-moves. Symp Egg feels much easier now, I struggled with them before, but now I can bsos it with alright consistency. DLO's and Eggbeaters feel easier too. They've been my weakest concept always, but I drilled some Fogs and consecutive Symple Legovers.

I've been avoiding symposium double dexes because of my knees for a couple years now. Lately My knees have been feeling ok, so I've been doing rough symp moves more lately. I bsos'ed Ducking Superfly three days ago and again yesterday, and was actually surprised how easily I got them. Also Superduperfly bsos isn't that hard anymore, and neither are basic symp double downs. This is quite surprising because I haven't skooled them for a couple years. Maybe drilling Flails helped? Or just the fact that my knees aren't so fucked up anymore.

Here's a couple beesauce runs I filmed yesterday:
-Nemesis, Montage bsos
-Shaft, Blackula, Superfly, Dolomite bsos
Too lazy to upload them on YT. But I wonder who has done these before? Probably Vasek and David at least.

I'm doing an interesting new program which involves sanctions on drops. It's quite fun actually. I'll write here how it goes next week.

Statement of the day: Build a snowman.

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Post by qphox » 22 Nov 2008 09:48

Well done Anssi. Super clean as per usual.
- Kevin R.

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Post by Anz » 30 Nov 2008 03:33

Cheers Kevin. I'm still waiting for you to finish the write-up from our Europe trip!

I've been learning to do routines after Worlds, so I started about four months ago. Now for the last three Saturdays I've done routine practice with sanctions included. Ten routines with three minutes long breaks between. And every drop in a routine makes five pushups, right after the song is over (with 5-10 seconds breath catch first). So thee drops in a routine means fifteen pushups afterwards. The push ups add a nice little mental twist of not wanting to drop.
On the first session my average drop count was 2,5
On the second session average drop count was 1,8
On the third session average drop count 1,4

Altogether on thirty routines I had an average of 1,9 drops. Which I find satisfying, considering for how short amount of time I've practiced routines so far.
I actually like doing routines!

From yesterday:
- Massacre > Symp Eggbeater > rpt
on video, but due lazyness not on the Internet.

Statement of the day: All footbag players should try to be friends together.

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Post by Tuukka » 30 Nov 2008 14:23

So you've practised your routine 30 times already? Crazy guy, I hope I'm not in your pool :D
-Tuukka Antikainen

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Post by Anz » 27 Dec 2008 13:00

The year 2009 is closing in and this will be my closure blog post about this year.

I had goals for this year and I pretty much achieved them all. But I'm too lazy to quote the actual goals here, you can go back a few pages to see them if you want.

Last weekend I did my first dropless routine ever. It was the first routine I prepared well enough so that was what I was aiming for. Actually I went through it during practice for total of 220 times.
I had one drop in the qualification and then dropless in the finals. Including the first contact there was 28 toe stalls in the final routine, but no kicks, so it compensates. I did make the routine easy enough to go dropless. My cue tricks were Jester, Atomsmasher, Royale, Reaper, Ripped Warrior (which I bailed to stepping toe in the finals), Toe Barrage, Pixie DOD, Whirr and in the end Blurry Whirl > Tomahawk > PS Whirl.
I'm satisfied with the routine and I know I can do better in the future. I just with I would have started to practice routines a couple years earlier.


This year I attented Euros, Worlds and Finnish champs, which is more events than any year before. Hopefully next year I will be attending even more tournies. I'd like to visit another country even only for a jam.

Antti didn't really play footbag anymore this year and he is is leaving to Canada to study for six months on January the first, so we won't even have a chance to play anymore.

I can't really name any precice goals for the year 2009, except that I'm buying a high speed camera in January and hopefully re-doing all the Anz Trikz with some better footage and better tutorials.
The events that I'm planning to attend next year are at least Euros and Worlds, but I really liked to visit any other countries too for jams.

Statement of the day: Happy new year 2009.

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Post by Anz » 02 Feb 2009 02:49

This year has started ok. I didn't play much after the Finnish champs, untill the New Years Jam in Jyväskylä. I played a lot on five days, and played alright. Almost straight from Jyväskylä I went to Canada for a week. I'm not going to blog about the trip, because it wouldn't be interesting, but I had fun. I played a lot there too, so I had to take it easy last week again, since my muscles were sore and knees acting up again.

Now I'm going to start practicing demo routines. I have two songs picked up:
- Bond - Libertango
- Daft Punk - Harder, Better, Faster, Stronger
I'm going to create and practice 3½ minutes long routines. The difficulty level is not going to be very huge, because I want to be able to go dropless and they're ment to be demo routines, so crowd pleasers and stuff.
I'll start developing them today.
I'm doing demos at a fair on 21.-22.3. so those routines need to be ready by then. I got six weeks.
I'm probably going to blog about the process and definetly about the results.

Oh yeah - I bought that high-speed camera. It's pretty sweet ;)

Statement of the day: The Canadian scene is looking good.

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Post by Anz » 25 Mar 2009 05:41

Good day.

After my last blog entry, my computer got infected by a virus and I cannot really do anything with it. Luckily I can borrow my brothers laptop, but I cannot do much else than surf the internet with this.

Anyway, I practiced those 3½ min long routines and performed them both three times last weekend at the Loimaa trade fair. The demos were ok, I didn't take any pressure because of them and mostly improvised on stage. I practiced those routines maybe 30 times, which isn't much. Almost lost my hope at some point. Moving from 2 minutes straight to 3½ is a bit much, which was a mistake. If anyone else wishes to practice longer routines, I recommend increasing the time maybe 30 sec at a time, untill you feel comfortable with the new lenght.

Now about the trade fair, which ended up being pretty awesome. Originally I was hired to do two demos on Saturday and two on Sunday and after each demo teach footbag for those who'd be interested. I told Justing Sexton about the possibility of promoting footbag at the fair and he got interested about it. Then I was informed by the organisers that we could have our own spot in the hall for free. We ended up having a video projector, plenty of room for footbag and stereos all offered by the organisers. Justin brought plenty of footbags to give away for those who showed interested enough. There was about 1500 people, and we gave away maybe 30 bags. The whole experience was really positive thinking about future demos and promotional work.
Justin actually played a bit of footbag, which must have been the first time I saw him play live. It was cool.
We filmed four of my demos on stage and the some casual shred and improvised demos off-stage. I have a couple high-speed videos filmed out doors, but I don't know if I should upload them without any editing, because watching a 40 seconds long run with no highlights stretched to 8 minutes gets boring pretty fast. I'll probably do something to them when I can edit videos again. Also I have two of those demos on my computer (they were filmed with Exilim), but they're not that magnificent (like 4-7 drops) so I don't think I'll post them on Modified.
Anyway, here's a couple picutes:
[Edit: What the hell! Check my YouTube gallery for a couple demo videos]

Moving on. I haven't really played guiltless freestyle on my sessions anymore, but I've still hit some new tricks, links and drills. My whole attitude towards solo practicing has changed. Guiltless is so restricting and no use. But I also claim freestyling is by far not the best way to practice and limiting.

Next weekend I'm going to Helsinki and we'll see how rusty my circle game is.

Statement of the day: Plasticman 3 is a cool repeat combo.

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Post by Anz » 13 Apr 2009 04:43

There's so few videos of high speed footbag online, so any combo is worth showing.


Prefix Symple Legover -moves (means uptime set to dlo/eggbeater) have been my weakest concept for a long time now, but I hit Bedwetter > Smog > Pigbeater for the first time yesterday without much effort. Vasek's Massive combo comes next! And after that I think Bed > Smog > Pig > Smog > Pixie Whirl > repeat will be doable.

I'm starting to like my Flails, I've been practicing them quite a lot lately. I want to do the dex as circle as possible in every direction, side to side, front to back, up to down. Flail x5 isn't that hard now and Symp Egg is feeling easier too.

I've noticed how my attitude towards footbag has changed past the last nine months or so. When I talk about it with others, I notice I see playing and practicing so differently than them. I don't do guiltless freestyle on my sessions at all anymore. Nowadays I can't find hitting a good run on solo session satisfying at all, if I do well there's nobody to see it and when the bag drops then that's it and what's left? It doesn't make me a better player. I much rather freestyle tiltless and keep the level low, practice basics like that, and harder tricks or links by drilling with training programs. I find it better for progress. I haven't had a bad season in footbag for more than six months, and if I have a bad session it's mostly because of physical reasons. People say they play for fun, I certainly don't. If you have fun at a solo session you certainly won't progress as you could. If it's not fun, it doens't mean you can't enjoy it. It's a matter of attitude, of coure I don't find practicing disgusting, ending a session is much more satisfying when you really know you worked on something and you're progressing. I actually feel like my free time doesn't begin when I get off work if I'm going to play footbag that day, because I still need to follow that training program and sweat. But it's just an awesome feeling when you're stretching after a successive session.

I feel like I don't know anymore what is hard in this sport and what is not. The scene in Finland is on a really good level, and you really need to hit something massive to get high fives. Maybe that's one reason, but I think that the stuff I'm just drilling with many reps and without much effort would be considered hard in general. It's kinda complicated. Maybe majority of the players have too little expectations for the sport. I just can't say what's hard anymore. I'm not making myself clear here as I would like to, hopefully that makes at least partially sense.
-- For example, take the combo in the video I posted in this post. Blurry Whirl > Blurry Whirl > Blurriest > Blurriest. Is that hard? I say no, but I'm sure many players would at least point their thumbs up if I'd hit that in a circle with them.

Spring is here. I'm thinking about filming Plasticman 1, 2 and 3 next weekend, just if the weather is good enough to play outside.

Are poeple afraid of posting in my blog, or am I just leaving nothing left to say?

Statement of the day: Justin Sexton is the man.

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Post by Lazy-Bonez » 13 Apr 2009 06:01

As for me, we are at different levels of game, so posting about freestyle in your blog would be pointless. :oops: I know what i want from freestyle and i'm doing it. If in need of some advice, can PM you.
Not known each other well for conversation about anything else here.

But your blog is always interesting to read :D

P.s. wow, i've posted here)
Nikita Aleksandrov

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Post by Kljopa » 13 Apr 2009 06:10

I read your blog and think (shit Ansi is good).I also enjoy your thoughts about how to train and aspects connected with it.

And i have to agree, stretching after a good session is so relaxing and overall feels great.

How long are you in the game btw?

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